Layanan Transportasi Terpercaya

Kami melayani perjalanan antar kota di Jawa dan Bali serta ke tempat wisata.

Perjalanan Antar Kota
Wisata di Bali
Wisata di Malang
Wisata di Surabaya
  • Reguler
  • Calter Drop

  • Calter PP

  • Wisata Religi

  • Acara Kantor

  • Acara Nikahan

  • Pariwisata

  • Study Tour

Wisata di Bondowoso
Wisata di Jember
Wisata di Situbondo
  • 09.00 (PAGI)
  • 15.00 (SORE)

  • 21.00 (MALAM)

  • BWS - BALI
  • BALI - BWS

    Rp.250.000 (free snack)

  • JBR - BALI
  • BALI - JBR

    Rp.250.000 (free snack)


    Rp.3.000.000 (free snack)

  • BWS - SBY
  • SBY - BWS

  • JBR - SBY

  • SBY - JBR

  • BWS - MLG

  • MLG - BWS

  • JBR - MLG

  • MLG - JBR

    Rp.175.000 (free snack)

Perjalanan saya bersama Hafil Transport sangat menyenangkan dan nyaman, terutama saat mengunjungi tempat wisata di Bali.

Budi Santoso

The interior of a bus is visible with passengers seated in rows. The bus window showcases a view of greenery outside and has various symbols and numbers on it. The passengers, wearing various clothing, are engaged on their mobile devices or looking out the window.
The interior of a bus is visible with passengers seated in rows. The bus window showcases a view of greenery outside and has various symbols and numbers on it. The passengers, wearing various clothing, are engaged on their mobile devices or looking out the window.
